METRO takes pride in working with communities to create stunning Religious & Nonprofit spaces
After 35 years of working in one of San Antonio’s oldest sectors we have learned that religious construction requires partnerships and patience. While a typical construction project has very few decision makers, this market can at times have thousands. METRO understands construction clearly, and can help guide the process while giving important updates as the project progresses.
We realize that some projects do not follow the typical funding process, and we can be involved early to provide pricing services as the project starts to take shape. METRO provides guidance through the preconstruction process to establish funding goals, and communicate clearly throughout the project lifecycle.
METRO recognizes the desire to create beautiful places to gather, while being good stewards of the resources required. Through the years we have learned some important lessons that can keep these projects on schedule, and on budget, and we look forward to sharing our expertise on your next project.
Take a look at a sampling of the amazing work we have done throughout the years.